
Rookery Wolds Wedding Venue

By October 21, 2017 February 23rd, 2019 No Comments

I had the pleasure of photographing Siobhan and Toms wedding in September. The happy couple married in Saint Hybalds Church and then moved onto the Rookery Wolds Wedding Venue for the celebrations.

The morning preparations were so calm and relaxed, despite a last minute call into the seamstress to fix a broken button! Siobhan was so calm in fact, she was offering to make bacon butties for the wedding car drivers just moments before getting into her dress!

Siobhan looked absolutely stunning in her lace and tulle gown, with a beautiful veil that just seemed to trail for miles, paired with some gorgeous sparkly shoes.

It was a glorious day, which made for a lovely afternoon eating canapés and drinking Champagne in the garden at Rookery Wolds.

What people didn’t know was that the newlyweds had been keeping an extra special secret from them, luckily their son was more than happy to help let the secret out…

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